The Ultimate Guide to New Years Activities for Kids
In this BLOG post I will teach you how to incorporate sensory play, crafts. motor activities and more into your home, classroom or therapy space this New Years.
Wishing Wands:

Paper straws
Cellophane paper
Choose 4-5 pieces of cellophane and lay them on top of each other. Fold in half.
Cut short snips into the top side- stop right before you hit the fold!
With the folded side down, wrap the cellophane tightly around the straw and tape it so it’s secure.
the cut pieces should flap/fold down making the cutest wishing wand!
Extend your crafting by taking these outdoors in a sunny day and exploring the shadows!!
Fizzy Fun:

Plastic cups (or bowls)
Baking soda
White vinegar
Medicine dropper or pipette
Cellophane paper
Sprinkle a layer of baking soda in the bottom of your cup or bowl.
Cut cellophane paper into small pieces & add into the cups.
In a separate bowl or cup, add half water & half white vinegar.
Fill your pipette with the vinegar/water mix & squirt it into the baking soda tray. Watch as it bubbles & fizzes & colors mix together.
Extend your sensory play by exploring colors as well. Simply add food coloring to your vinegar/water mix!
Confetti Calm Down Bottle:

Plastic bottle with a cap
Clear liquid glue
Warm water
Cut cellophane into small pieces & add in to the bottle.
Fill the bottle 3/4 of the way with warm water.
Fill the remainder of the bottle with clear liquid glue.
Put the cap on and tighten.
Shake well to incorporate.
Find a sunny spot, shake the bottle again & watch as the colors shift & fall & create a beautiful reflection!
*You can add hot glue around the cap before you tighten it to ensure it wont open. After a few hours, the cellophane may alter the color of the water, which creates a new, fun effect!
Festive Salt Tray:

Sensory tray or baking dish
Cellophane paper or glitter
Sprinkle a thin layer or salt into your tray or dish
Cut cellophane into small pieces & add in or use glitter.
Use your finger or dry paintbrush to create in the tray!
Extend your learning by practicing writing letters, numbers, shapes, sight words, etc.
Wishing Wands:

Pony beads
Pipe cleaners
Take 1 pipe cleaner & form it into a star.
Take a second pipe cleaner & wrap it around the bottom center of the star, creating a wand.
Add beads on the wand. Wrap the end around the last bead to keep it from falling off.
Once completed, go around & take turns sharing your wishes for 2023!
Extend your play by dipping the wands into bubbles & blowing them during your celebration!
Firework Rings:

4-5 pipe cleaners
Put all the pipe cleaners into an even pile. Fold them in half.
Twist the folded end into a loop the size of your finger. Twist the pipe cleaners around a few times to secure.
Now that you have a ring shape, push the ends of the pipe cleaners down & bend them at the end to look like fireworks.
Extend your play by creating letters with the dough, practice cutting with the dough and/or representing numbers with the dough.
New Year's Eve Poppers:

Cellophane paper
Paper towel roll
Cut a paper towel roll in half.
Tie the deflated balloon into a knot. Cut the bottom quarter of the balloon off.
Pull the cut portion of the balloon onto the end of the paper towel. Tape around the balloon to secure it.
Cut the cellophane into small pieces & stuff inside the popper.
Pull the bottom of the balloon, release it & watch the confetti fly!
Extend your play by trying this with pom poms and measuring which one goes the furthest.
Beaded Year Numbers:

4 pipe cleaners
Pony beads
String beads onto each of the 4 pipe cleaners. Twist the end into the last bead to secure them.
Twist the pipe cleaners into the numbers 2023.
This is such great fine motor work!
Extend your craft by creating patterns, then counting the number of beads on each number.
Confetti Play Dough:

1 cup of flour
1/4 cup of salt
2 teaspoons of cream of tartar
1 cup of water
Cellophane paper or glitter
Pour all of the ingredients (except the cellophane paper/glitter) into the pan.!
Extend your play by adding in your favorite cookie cutters and trinkets and creating with the dough.
Confetti Oobleck:

2 cups cornstarch
1 cup water
confetti or flitter
Sensory tray or bowl
Pour all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix well.
Extend your play by adding in your scoops, bowls and trinkets!
New Years Pizza:

Pre-made pizza crust or crescent rolls
Pizza sauce
Shredded cheese
Baking sheet
Pre-heat the oven based on dough directions.
Roll out the dough and form it into the numbers 2-0-2-5.
Spread sauce on the numbers, top with cheese and toppings of your choice.
Bake based on dough instructions.
Fingerprint Painting:

Construction paper
FREE 2025 cut out HERE
Painters tape
Gather your materials and print out the 2025 template.
Cut out the numbers and use painters tape to secure them onto the construction paper.
Squirt out some paint onto a sensory tray or plate. Dip your finger in and dot around the numbers. If you don't want to get your fingers in paint, use a craft pom pom instead!
Let the craft dry and slowly peel off the numbers to reveal your art!

Large craft sticks
Pipe cleaner
Small bells
Glue (Hot glue works best but liquid glue will also work)
Glue 4-6 bells onto a craft stick, depending on size.
Take 2-3 pipe cleaners & twist them around the craft stick. You can also add a drop of glue to hold these down permanently if you want!
Shake & sing & dance into the New Year!
Festive Firework Sensory Bin:

Click HERE for all of the details on how to dye this festive and fun sensory bin!
*Use your judgement if using hot glue & small objects around children. Always monitor young children during activities for safety.

Download our FREE 23 page packet HERE!!!