Kids Sensory + Science Activity for Valentine's Day: Candy Heart Oobleck
In this BLOG post I will teach you how to make Oobleck and the benefits of messy play!

Your kids will LOVE exploring Science concepts during Valentine's Day with this fun and festive sensory bin. It is MESSY, but
What is Oobleck?
Oobleck is SO. MUCH. FUN. It is a great messy-play activity that can be done at home, outdoors, in the classroom or in a therapy space. While children explore Oobleck, they are not only gaining the benefits of sensory play, but they are also exploring Science concepts!
Oobleck is a non-Newtonian substance. It's a solid, It's a liquid. It can be thick or gooey or everything in between. It can be white, or it can be colorful. It can be used with plastic animals or trucks or Barbies or rocks.
When you pick it up and roll it, it forms a ball. When you stop applying pressure, it turns into a liquid and runs down into the bowl. It will take the shape of a container or drip through a strainer.
It is pure magic!
Is Oobleck Edible?
Technically speaking, yes, but I would not encourage anyone to eat cornstarch in large quantities. I would model, teach and reinforce that this is "not food" and if the person is still heavily exploring with their mouths, I may tuck this in my back pocket for later!
What happens when it dries?
Ok, this is the best part. It is truly messy BUT once it dries it goes back to its chalky-form. You can wipe/sweep/vacuum rather easily. I always encourage families to let it dry first, then tackle clean up! More clean-up tips below!
Also, because it dries this way, you can add more water to the bin to reactivate it and play again!
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Adding in the candy hearts adds an extra layer of sensory goodness.
Now there are colors. You can ask questions such as:
What colors do you see?
I wonder what will happen when the candy hearts sink under the Oobleck.
Do you think they will change the Oobleck different colors?
What would happen if the yellow mixed with the green?
Now there is added texture. You can ask questions such as:
How does the Oobleck feel?
Are the candy hearts hard or soft?
Can you break them with your hands?
The possibilities for learning and play are truly endless!!

(2) cups Cornstarch
(1) cup Water
Sensory bin or bowls
Food coloring
Glitter (optional)
Candy hearts
Step 1: Pour corn starch and water into a tub or tray and mix well.
Step 2: Pour in the candy hearts.
Step 3: Add in your favorite scoops or bowls and PLAY!!
Make observations as you play:
How does it smell?
How does it feel?
What happens when you add more water to the Oobleck bin?
What does it look like as it dries?
Explore color theory: what happens when you mix red and yellow together?
APFL TIP: If you let Oobleck completely dry out and harden, you can store it in an airtight container. The next time you want to use it, simply add water to reactivate!
Messy play is SO beneficial for children. It's open-ended, encourages creativity, provides sensory input & teaches them about their personal boundaries. Messy play activates the senses and has been known to be calming, offering an incredible opportunity to practice self-regulation strategies.

What skills are you working on during messy play?
Fine & Gross Motor Skills: As the child squishes and squeezes, they are developing their finger and hand muscles. Those same finger and hand muscles are responsible for self-help skills such as: feeding yourself, zippering your coat and holding a pencil during writing! Messy play can also help support spatial awareness, balance & coordination.
Hand-Eye Coordination: Hand-eye coordination is simultaneously using your hands & your eyes for a task. Strong hand-eye coordination helps you with tasks such as feeding yourself, coloring in the lines & pouring a drink in a cup.
Bilateral coordination: Using both sides of the body to complete a task.
Cognitive development refers to how a child acquires and understands information; how they think, learn and problem solve. There are many opportunities to develop cognitive development during messy play through problem solving and understanding cause/effect.
Language Development: Messy play is SO good for supporting language development. There are opportunities to learn new words and practice phrases.
Social Skills: Messy play can help to establish and strengthen social skills. Children will practice using their manners, sharing, turn-taking and having patience.

Clean up-tips:
For easy clean up: keep wipes nearby, along with a plastic bag or trash bin to discard.
Wear old clothes or a bathing suit, and plan to head to the tub after this fun sensory play!
Take it outdoors! Wash it off with a hose when you're done.
Use an old beach towel or sheet under the bins to catch any spills.
How to encourage messy play?
Start small. Put a tiny amount in a bowl and explore with it to see how it feels!
Play with them! Roll up your sleeves and get messy with them.
Let them know that getting messy is OK.
Have a clean-up strategy so that they can wipe their hands quickly if it becomes too much. Maybe have a towel in their lap or wipes right next to them.
Encourage starting with just one finger. "Poke the Oobleck with your pointer finger. How does it feel?"

Check out these other FUN + FESTIVE Valentine's Day ideas!