Dino Suncatcher
Suncatchers are one of my favorite crafts to make with my kids, and this dinosaur duo is so fun!

Clear packing tape
Cellophane paper (NOT tissue paper) - we buy a variety pack on Amazon.
X-acto knife or sharp scissors
Black marker or Sharpie
How To:
Use a pencil & draw the shape that you want. I just drew the dinos free hand but you can probably find a stencil online!
Cut out the shape using the X-acto knife or scissors.
On the inside of the dino, cut out shapes/designs. This can be random lines or shapes like I did!
Cut pieces of cellophane paper and tape to the back. This doesn’t have to be neat or exact, just cover all open spaces & tape down edges.
To make them stand, I glued TP rolls to the back. I’ve also made a little bracket out of cardboard for others.
Draw faces and details on the dinos to really bring them to life.
Then, go chase the sun! Depending on where the sun is and the time of day, the shadows will be longer/shorter/brighter!