Celebration Slime Tutorial for Kids
In this BLOG post I will teach you how to make DIY slime, the benefits of sensory play and ways to contain the mess!

Head to our Instagram page to see more ways to learn & play at home or in the classroom! We love to see you play & share the joy of hands-on crafts & activities at home. Be sure to tag @aplayfilledlife on Instagram or Facebook if you try any of our ideas!!
XO Gina
Storebought slime is not our thing. It is sticky and messy and adheres to everything in its path! We use our own recipe so that we still get the sensory-goodness that comes with exploring slime!
You can add food coloring, or not. Once the food coloring is mixed in, there will not be any color transfer.
You can add glitter, or not. Once the glitter is mixed in, it doesn't stick to hands or surfaces.
Not only is it fun and engaging (and easy to differentiate!) but it works on a ton of skills as well.

Benefits of Exploring Slime
Strengthen fine motor skills.
Increase opportunities for language & vocabulary.
Practice self-regulation skills.
Work on cause and effect.
Allow opportunities to problem solve.
Exposure to temperature and science topics.
Purposeful ways to practice socials skills (waiting, using manners, taking turns, sharing).
Bilateral Coordination (using both sides of the body).

5 ounces of clear, liquid glue
1/2 tablespoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of contact lenses solution
Glitter (optional)
Food coloring (optional)
Mixing bowl
Mixing cup/spoon
Sensory tray or bowl
The type of contact lenses solution matters! This serves as your activator and what turns your slime into the stretchy, smooth texture that it is! Be sure to look at the ingredients; it needs to contain boric acid!
Step 1: Pour the glue into the bowl.
Step 2: Add the baking soda, food coloring and glitter (if using) and mix well.
Step 3: Slowly add the contact lenses solution and stir. As you continue to stir, you will see the slime begin to take shape. Once it is formed into a ball, pulling away from the sides of the bowl, it is ready!
Step 4: Grab the slime and knead it well. This will assure that all of the materials are incorporated well.
Step 5: Drop it on your sensory tray or bowl and PLAY!!!
You can add in your favorite play dough tools, cookie cutters and/or trinkets. OR just play as is, the more you stretch and squish and squeeze the dough, the stronger your fingers get!

Storage and Shelf Life:
Keep slime in a Ziploc bag or airtight container for up to a week.
This is NOT a taste-safe recipe. If you have children who are still exploring with their mouths, I suggest saving this recipe for later.
Check out our Taste-Safe CHIA SEED Slime HERE!

Activities like this are an incredible way to strengthen fine motor skills. As kids paint, squeeze and squirt, they are strengthening the tiny muscles in their fingers and hands. Those same muscles are responsible for self-help skills like feeding yourself and zippering your coat. They are also responsible for supporting you during the writing process!
The more we can strengthen those muscles early on through sensory-driven experiences like this, the more supported children will be when they enter school-age.
The possibilities for FUN are endless. You can learn & play & create all through simple materials!! They are great to have on hand for a rainy day, during playdates or on a day when you just need a little something!
While kids explore slime together, they will have the opportunity to work on a TON of social skills. They will be sharing materials, sharing space, practice using their manners, waiting their turn and problem solving together!
They will also be learning from each other! Kids observe EVERYTHING! They will be watching how each person explores the bin. They will learn their own personal boundaries and maybe even be encouraged to try something they may not have before!
SO many language opportunities. SO much social skills practice. SO. MUCH. FUN.

Always monitor young children in or around water. Small objects can be choking hazards. You get to decide what is safe and manageable in your home.